73 Easy Paper Crafts For Kids That Are Absolute Fun!

Looking for cool art projects to keep your little kids busy and creatively engaged? Then, we have the perfect collection…

The Ultimate Parenting Guide To Make Children Sleep

“I slept like a baby!” Have you ever rolled your eyes when someone says this? I, often, have found it…

21 Hilarious, Rib-tickling Excuses Children Give To Bunk School

"I have potty on my skirt." I was 10 when I purposely sat on my breakfast and made an excuse to…

10 Tips To Select The Perfect Preschool For Your Child

On a search for the 'perfect preschool', Sarrah, a homemaker, changed three preschools before she settled on one for her…

Handling Choking Hazards In Kids: 6 Tips You’ll Be Thankful For

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Is he choking?" Three years ago, five-year-old Farhan put a coin in his mouth and…

7 Games To Engage Kids In Public Places That Work Like Crazy

"VIHAAAAAAAAN!" With an ear-splitting scream, I heard a woman call out this name at a departmental store. People around me scurried…

Flinto Champions – DJ Bravo Style

DJ Bravo, the dynamic West Indies cricket player and famous for his exuberant dance moves, recently launched his song titled…

10 Ways To Teach Children About Basic First Aid

"Mom, give me some ice." Ranvir, 6, and Viraj, 4, hardly ever seem to get along. One can spot them getting…

Time Management: 9 Easy Ways To Teach Kids This Important Skill

It is just another weekday. You and your child have just made it in time for their class! As you…

How To Teach Your Child About Road Safety

Up the street I look to see If any traffic is near to me. Down the road I look as…



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