Magical Science Activity for 4-6 Year Olds : Water & Oil Experiment

What happens when oil and water are mixed together? Let’s find out. Watch your child make interesting patterned sheets with the help of oil and water. This also doubles up as a simple experiment to introduce the concept of density. Take a quick look at the magical science water & oil experiment video and make colourful patterned sheets while also learning an interesting science concept.

Parental Involvement: High

Duration: 45 minutes

Skills Acquired: Cognition, Fine Motor, Creativity


  • Bowl
  • Cups
  • Vegetable oil
  • Food colouring
  • Water
  • Dropper
  • Chart

Instructions For Magical Science Water & Oil Experiment

  • Pour some oil into the glass bowl.
  • Take some water in separate cups. Add and mix different colours of food colouring.
  • Using a dropper, add drops of coloured water into the bowl containing the oil.
  • Use different colours and make different patterns on the oil.
  • Place a small piece of chart on top of the oil layer.
  • Take it out and leave it out to dry.

Your patterned sheet is ready!

Let your child create different patterns on the sheets. They can be used as bookmarks, greeting cards, etc.

Science behind it

Water and oil don’t mix because their density is different. Water is more dense than oil. If same amount of oil and water are taken in a container, water will sink and oil will float on water. In this experiment, since we add small droplets of water in oil, it floats. This helps in creating different colourful patterns.

Activity done by Vishwajeet



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