How To Make A Preschool Business Plan [Complete Guide]

Business planI think you will agree with me when I say that starting a preschool business from scratch can be a very challenging task.
But trust me when I say this — it’s not as tough if we get the fundamentals right!
Today we’re going to take you through the very first step of starting a preschool — creating a preschool business plan!
The contents of one may appear to be quite daunting.
And creating a play school plan requires a step-by-step process of things you need to consider and do.
But don’t worry, we’ll run you through it all.
RELATED: How To Start A Preschool In India – The Complete Guide >
So first, let’s understand the purpose of creating a business plan!


Creating a business plan is of utmost importance for the following reasons:

  1. A business plan may help you organize your ideas for launching your preschool.
  2. A business plan will help you stay on track after you’ve launched your preschool business.
  3. A business plan is a company resume that you can show other professional business contacts you know to make your preschool successful.
  4. A business plan can help your company assess future opportunities.
  5. A business plan is a vital aid to help you manage your preschool business more effectively.

And now…
We’re going to list down a few pointers that are the most important content sections required in a day-care business plan.
And all this will help you plan, prepare and operate your business successfully!



The first step to creating any start-up business plan is to create an extensive summary. This contains an overview of the entire business plan.
A summary is essential as an introduction to the plan and an opportunity to sell your business idea. The following points must be included in a preschool business plan summary. This must include:

  • The goals of starting a preschool
  • The mission and vision of the preschool
  • The products and services provided

One way of ensuring that you have a good marketing strategy is to know your customers. The more you know about the parents’ expectations, the easier it will be to develop a program that meets their needs, as well as their child’s.
Another way of ensuring a good consumer analysis for effective marketing is to develop a list of questions like:

a. What type of service will be provided?
b. What are the operating hours?
c. Where is the centre located?

The way you market your preschool is a key in creating a successful preschool. This strategy will have to be well thought-out.

A. Keep these pointers in mind while planning your communication:

    1. Assure parents that this preschool is a place that will make their lives (especially working class) a lot easier and comfortable.
    2. The keys to attracting parents to enroll their wards are safety, cleanliness, location and the overall comfort of their toddlers.

B. Here are some other ideas to market your preschool:

        1. You can host an event in the name of your preschool and invite the public to participate. Make sure you have plenty of business cards, flyers and registration forms available just in case parents express interest.
        2. You can get satisfied parents to spread the word by encouraging referral marketing and it can work as a great tool for marketing your preschool. Also, word of mouth marketing effectively becomes a part of referral marketing if you give parents a discount.
        3. You can also be active on social media to reach out to parents who can then fully read about your preschool online and get them to decide whether it is safe enough for their child.

While creating any business plan, it is important to do an analysis of the competition. Your preschool is less likely to be the only preschool in the entire area. So, this is where you need to do extensive research on what the other preschools are doing — strictly on a knowledge basis.

Here, you will explain what your preschool is doing differently to get more parents to enroll their toddlers in your day-care centre. And competitive advantages like specialised training of the staff and innovative learning programs can also be included.

Preschool business plan
In this step, you’ll figure out the plan on how to run this daycare business. This is where the dedication of the owner of the preschool in this business will be discussed. Here are points to cover:

– The teacher-student ratio
– Custom facilities
– Innovative learning programs
The legal structure of the business


Sales are one amongst the major factors when it comes to creating a business plan for the preschool. It is important to critically examine and survey the day-care centre market, look at the area in which the preschool is to be set up, the standard of the preschool and come up with an appropriate sales forecast.

Parents would definitely want their kids under school age to be in a safe place and get them prepared for kindergarten and pitching them a suitable sales forecast is an absolute necessity.

There is a stiffer competition amongst preschool centres and it is important to hire experts to handle sales to create great results and increase the chances of convincing parents to select this particular preschool for their toddlers.


SWOT analysis is where the company will note down the STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND THREATS of the business.

Getting the help of a professional business consultant to ensure the preschool grows into a well-structured educational business, and one that can favourably compete in the highly competitive industry is a very important factor in creating a play school business plan.

And this can be done by conducting a SWOT analysis — your day-care centre will know what to improve on and where to make further necessary changes for the business to grow.

PRO TIP: If you want a complete preschool solution for all your preschool needs, take a look at FlintoClass. FlintoClass is a preschool system that takes care of everything you need to run a profitable and world-class preschool. From an award-winning curriculum and daily lesson plans to high-quality teacher training resources, FlintoClass is a one-stop solution. For more information on FlintoClass, click here >
Supercharge your preschool growth with FlintoClass

In this step, you will have to explain the roles and responsibilities of every employee who works for the preschool. The list includes the head of the school, school administrator, tutors, nannies/caregivers, marketing and sales executives, accountants, client service executives, cleaners, security officers and so on.

The source of financial capital for the preschool has to be determined. The preschool’s sustainability strategy and what their future expansion strategy is, along with any forecasts made with regard to the financial strategy can be made note of in this section of the preschool business plan.

This step is basically the last step wherein you can write any additional information that you’d like to add with regard to the preschool — anything that you may have missed in the above sections.
Now, you know everything needed to create a well-structured business plan for your preschool. Use the above pointers to start and run a successful preschool business plan!

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