Are you finding it difficult to get your kids interested in science? Or are you looking to make the learning a lot more fun and involving?
We can help!
We’ve compiled a list of amazing science facts for kids pertaining to different fields just so you can sit down with your child, and read these facts with them to spark their curiosity!
They’re all facts that would fascinate them and make them intrigued to learn more about these subjects.
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Let’s start with some interesting space facts for all your kids who aspire to be astronauts someday!
60 Amazing Science Facts For Kids That You Simply Shouldn’t Miss
Interesting Scientific Facts About Space:
The Sun is more than 3,00,000 (3 lakh) times larger than the size of the Earth, which means 1 million Earths could fit inside the sun.
- Space is absolutely silent as there’s no atmosphere for sound to travel through!
- It isn’t possible to walk on planets like Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, or Uranus as they don’t have a solid surface! They’re mostly made up of different gases.
- The moon doesn’t emit any light of its own. The light from the sun’s rays bounce off of the moon and reach the Earth in a matter of 1.25 seconds. This is how we get moonlight.
- No life form can survive if they were to enter a black hole, like the one at the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Even light can’t survive in a black hole.
- The reason the ocean has waves and has tides that switch from high to low is that the gravitational pull from the moon and the sun keep changing.
- Do you know what the highest mountain known to man is? If you said Mount Everest, you’re only partially correct. Mount Everest is the highest mountain on Earth, but the highest mountain known to man is actually present on an asteroid called Vesta and is 22km in height: thrice as big as Everest
- There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth.
- Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon in 1969.
- Did you know that you can still see traces of his footprints on the moon’s surface? This is because there’s no wind on the moon, and so the footprints and tire tracks are still pretty intact!
- It is believed that there are between 200-400 billion stars just in the Milky Way galaxy, of which our solar system is a very, very tiny part. In the observable universe, there are about 100 billion galaxies like the Milky Way. There could be around 100 billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy alone!
- It takes the light from the Sun about 8 minutes to reach Earth.
Little Known Facts About Earth:
Now that we’ve learnt a lot about outer space, let’s learn some unbelievable science facts about our Mother Earth!
- About 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered in water.
- The earth has been around for around four to five billion years, and the fascinating thing is that humans have only been around for between 0.1 – 0.2% of the time that Earth has existed!
- Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is the fifth largest planet in our solar system, after Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
- Earth’s largest and only natural satellite is the moon!
- Earth is the only planet in our solar system known to support life.
- The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is known to be the largest living structure on Earth. It spans about 2,000 kilometres and is composed of coral islands and reefs.
Amazing Facts About The Human Body:
How much do you think we know about the human body, considering that every single one of us has one? You’d be surprised at what we don’t know! Let’s go through some interesting scientific facts about the human body.
- Once you eat your food, it takes your body around 12 hours to fully digest it.
- Your brain contains around 100 billion nerve cells!
- Your heart beats around 1,00,000 (1 Lakh) times a day.
- The smallest bone in the human body is present in the middle part of the ear. It’s called the stirrup and is only 2.8 mm (millimetres) long.
- Your mouth produces about 1 litre of saliva per day!
- Human teeth are just as strong as shark teeth!
- According to scientists, the human nose can detect and recognize three trillion different scents!
- A fully grown adult has 206 bones in their body, whereas a newborn baby has 300 bones. Some of these bones fuse together as the baby grows.
- If spread out, the total surface area of adult lungs can be up to 75 square meters. This is the size of half a tennis court!
- If all the blood vessels in an adult’s body are laid out end to end, they will cover and circle the Earth’s equator four times!
- If all the DNA in the human body is uncoiled and put together, it would be about twice the diameter of our whole solar system.
- You won’t be able to taste food if it weren’t for saliva, because our taste buds can only detect the taste of food once it’s dissolved in a liquid!
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Fun Science Facts For Kids About Animals:
Let’s now learn some amazing science facts for kids about some really cool animals!
- Did you know that a Polar Bear’s fur is actually transparent, but because of the way the strands reflect light, they appear to be white?
- Another cool science fact about polar bears is that their skin under the fur is actually black in colour, so it can absorb and retain heat from the sun!
- Dogs are known as ‘man’s best friends’ for a reason. They are great helpers and can be trained to help people with disabilities, perform tasks such as hunting, farming, and acting as security!
- Dogs have an amazing sense of hearing and can hear sounds at four times the distance than humans can.
- Dolphins are some of the most playful sea creatures and are highly intelligent! Their brain development is similar to that of humans.
- Dolphins have also been observed to live together in large groups and hunt as well as play together!
- Elephants are the world’s largest mammals that live on land.
- An adult elephant needs to drink more than 200 litres of water each day!
- How far do you think a lion’s roar can be heard? It can be heard for a whopping 8 kilometres!
- Lions have been observed to rest for a major part of the day, usually around 20 hours.
- The Blue Whale, the largest animal in the world, needs to come to the surface of the water to breathe!
- Octopuses have three hearts, nine brains, and have blue blood!
When we’re looking at interesting animal facts, let’s also look at a few interesting facts for kids about birds:
- An eagle’s eyes are about four times sharper than that of a human’s.
- The bee hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world and the ostrich is the largest bird in the world!
- The hummingbird flaps its wings extremely fast, making between 80 to 200 flaps per second to be able to hover.
- The ostrich is also the fastest running bird in the world, having a running speed of 70 km per hour!
- Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.
- Owls can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees without moving their body! Humans can only rotate their heads about 80 degrees.
No how about peeking into social science?
Fantastic Facts About World History:
Now that we’ve looked at a wide array of interesting facts from different subjects, let’s look at some fun facts from human history.
There’s an island called Easter Island that has about 887 giant statues of heads called Moai, and no one knows the purpose they serve.
- Walt Disney, the great animator, started sketching when he was just four years old!
- Indian culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world and goes back to about 4,500 years.
- India has never invaded a single country throughout its history.
- Do you know what Indian currency notes are made of? If you said paper, you’re wrong! They’re actually made of cotton and cotton rag, but not many people know this.
- Pablo Picasso, the painter, started attending art school at the mere age of 10.
- Most of the ancient Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for their ‘pharaohs’ who were the rulers of ancient Egypt.
- Sugar, cinnamon and black pepper are all foods that originated in India.
- Do you know who invented the lightbulb? If you said Thomas Alva Edison, you would be incorrect. While he did acquire the patent for the lightbulb, the actual inventor of the bulb was Warren De La Rue. Thomas Edison was notorious for taking credit for things he did not invent!
- Although Christopher Columbus is credited with the discovery of America, the Vikings were the first group of people to land there. The first Viking group to land there was under the Viking chief Leif Eriksson.
- The decimal number system we use today was invented in India.
- And to finish off, Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans!
We hope you enjoyed reading this interesting list of science facts for kids, as much as we enjoyed writing it! Encourage your child to further read up and learn more about any of the above topics that interested them.
Have we missed an important fact? Drop a comment below and tell us — we’ll add it to our list 🙂