As parents we all want the best for our kids, don’t we?
And this always includes a unique hobby for your child! But more often than not, the decision to choose unique hobby ideas for one’s child is based on the availability of hobby class, it’s feasibility and peer pressure!
Even if there are tons of hobby classes available in the neighbourhood, sometimes it’s difficult to pick the right hobby for your child. Every child has a unique personality, interests, and skills.
However, it’s time to think deeper to let your children enjoy what they love the most. For hobbies help overall development and free expression in growing children, provided they enjoy doing them. For that reason, we’ve made a list of unique hobby ideas for every kind of child! And it’s perfect if you want screen-free engagement for them!
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Here are some Unique Hobby Ideas based on Interests:
1) Hobbies for Nature-lovers 
If your child loves nature and thrives in open spaces, natural light, and natural elements, give him/her more time to explore.
You can structure his/her interest in hobbies like gardening, hiking, bird-watching, fishing, swimming, golf, travelling, photography, horse-riding, collecting different types of leaves, going to the zoo, boating, etc.
“My 9-year-old loves planting saplings and takes good care of them. He spends lots of time with his grandparents on farms in outskirts of Hyderabad and brings back different saplings.
His love for plants is a great way for him to de-stress, be calm and be close to nature. He actually wants to shift to a villa where he can grow trees!,” shares Aruna Tanikella, mother of two and Chennai-based Chartered Finance Analyst.
“Children should be introduced to gardening at an early. It gives ample learning opportunities to know about plants, soil, insects, worms, flowers, growth, weeds and many more. Watering regularly raises a routine in them”, explains Vidhya Sriram, a parent.
2) Hobbies for physically-active kids 
If your child gets an adrenaline rush with exercising the muscles till he/she sweats, engage him/her in outdoor activities and sports.
These can be football, basketball, lawn-tennis, walking/marathons, biking, skating, skateboarding, cycling, etc.
If your child wants a bit of adventure, you may try trekking, windsurfing, scuba diving, snorkelling, etc.
These work as excellent active hobby ideas for your little one as well as for the entire family!
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3) Hobbies for the homebody and creative minds 
Digital-art, baking, painting, candle-making, paper-art, pottery, reading, writing, cooking, knitting-sewing-quilling, etc. are great options for children who like to sit back and create stuff that are aesthetically appealing.
“I let my son chose the appropriate activity like painting, gardening and craft/building by providing the options available at home”, explains Prathyusha Prasad, a parent.
“Painting or drawing is an all-time favourite for kids of all ages and most parents as well. Get them a canvas, some colours and let them colour, paint and explore!”, explains Sonali Awasthi, a parent.
Music, dance, singing, playing an instrument, theatre, acting, hairstyling, décor, etc. also fall under this category.
These activities instil a sense of accomplishment when a child creates things with basic means provided utilising his/her ability to think of out-of-the-box. And are you the parent of a creative genius, anyone?
PRO TIP: You can also check out activity boxes like Flintobox which are designed by child development experts to bring out the innate abilities and creativity of children between 2 and 12 years. Click here for more info >
RELATED: 11 Ways To Foster Creative Thinking In Your Child [Expert Tips Inside]
4) Hobbies for history lovers and collectors
Reading, visiting museums, creating family trees, collecting old coins, vintage items and antique art pieces, etc. will give them a chance to explore the bygone era. How about collecting your forefathers’ belongings?
“My son is a collector, he loves collecting a series of his favourite books, and actual models of cars and bikes of major automobile brands. There’s a comforting air in the house when he, and we parents, see his collection grow,” says Daisy S, a homemaker and mother of two from Mumbai.
5) Out-of-the-box hobby ideas 
Magic tricks, sudoku, feng-shui, yoga, story-writing, learning a new language, watching or creating documentaries, joining communities or NGOs, keeping pets, etc. are other unusual hobby ideas that may interest your child.
Give your children some time to explore few activities before they can develop deep interest and pursue any hobby.
It’s perfectly fine if they stumble upon something and are excited for weeks before they finally can make out what they really enjoy doing. Happy hobby time!
What unique hobby does your child have? Do share it with us in the comments section below!
Ayansh rajauria
My child is 14 month age , he is very active, run in street alone , climb on stairs fast , watch any activity closely , try to arrange blocks , pick heavy articles and walk , try to dance on pop music with shaking head , try to eat yourself , feel pleasure in mela and try to catch dogs and cows , try to play football by pushing ball , etc
Dob.28 . 1 . 2019
Wt 9.9 kg
Mona panjwani
Very good
Ajesh Kuniyil
Good one..